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Does the material stretch that you use in your footwear?
Does the material stretch that you use in your footwear?

We use high-quality vegan leathers and suedes to make our footwear.

They are created from a very fine weave of individual fibres. These fibres mean the material can stretch and mould to your foot shape. The material will soften with wear.

If they are tight and pinch a lot and are uncomfortable to wear in most cases it is better to size up. It is better to have footwear that is just a little too big than too small as this can hurt and damage your feet. 

If your purchase is just a little too small, it can be worthwhile to wear them and "break them in" so the material softens and the mould around the shape of your feet. 

You will be able to get a little more room by applying pressure on the material over a few days.

During this period we recommend wearing a thicker sock and applying pasters to any sore or rub points.

You can also take your footwear to a cobbler to stretch.

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Wear and care info
Sizing Charts
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